We make it easy to celebrate birthdays. A little note goes a long way. Make sure they feel special with a birthday message.
To verify that you have your birthday email settings turned on, go to District Tab, District Setup on the left, then Premium Emails.
Scroll down to Scheduled BD Emails.
You can see if the Scheduled BD Emails are turned on. If not, reach out to DACdb Support ([email protected]) and we can setup for you.
CC Log or Message: The Governor can elect to receive just a summary of the birthdays in each club (Log Summary Only) or they can receive an actual copy of each birthday letter that goes out (Actual Message.)
BD Email District Positions: Specify which role keys will receive copies of the message.
Customize your templates. The District Admin can change the templates by clicking on the District tab, then go to District Pages and then select Templates.
Don’t forget to verify that your birthday emails will automatically be sent out! Verify under District tab, District Pages, Premium Emails.