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Not just your typical Membership Database Software!

Experience the perfect solution designed by Rotarians for Rotary Organizations…Clubs, Districts, Zones, Rotaract, Rotary Action Groups (RAGS) Fellowships, RYLA, RLI & More.

We offer flexibility, enhanced functionality, and budget-friendly extensions.

Built by Rotarians, for Rotarians

Once you PMail all your members with their account information, DACdb PMail makes it super easy for a member to update their information- without even having to log into their account.

How to PMail a Member Verification:
1. Click on My Club.

  1. Click on the PMail icon.
  2. Click on Select Template.
  3. Click on the drop-down box Template Type and select System.  Put your cursor in the radio button for either 15b or 15w, your preference.  Select Use Selected Template.

5. Type in your subject. Then click Send.

6. Each member will receive a personalized PMail with their own information on it.  On the bottom of the PMail they can select either Verify Information or Edit Information.  

7. Under the District tab, you can verify the member information.

8. Select the District tab and click on District Verify. For the club, select the My Club tab and click on Club Verify.


  1. Once your member verifies their information, their modified date and verified name will automatically display.

10. This simple and easy to follow process will keep your membership records up to date and will provide your members a very easy way to update their info.