Mobile Website and Local Calendars
We offer a “mobile website” at if you aren’t using that we recommend that you consider doing so. Many of us use this on our cellphones and the calendar part of DACdb is readily available there. You CAN save individual calendar entries to either the phone’s calendar or Google Calendar. The example shown here is on an iPhone and the event will be saved to a Google calendar.
SO… log into using the same credentials you would for the desktop web browser version of the software.
Then tap on My District (or My Club):
Next tap on Event Calendar:
Select the event you wish to add to another calendar and tap on it:
Next tap on the small calendar icon:
Tap on the > beside the Calendar line if you wish to change which calendar the event gets copied to:
Select the calendar you wish to copy the event to (this can be one of several Google calendars (if you have that on your phone) or to other calendars you phone is aware of. Here we select a Rotary calendar on Google by tapping on it:
Then tap on <Back:
You can configure alerts as you wish or accept the defaults established on your device.
Then click on Done:
We hope this will help you get the most out of our Mobile Website ( Please note that you can also access this from a desktop web browser and if you click on the small calendar icon as shown above a file will be downloaded called event.ics which you can import into most modern calendars.
Again, the advantages of using our Mobile Website are many and we hope you will enjoy using it as much as we do.