Are members reporting confusion as they register for events—a spouse’s name appears instead of their own, perhaps? And for the Club, this other record (that may or may not have the same last name) is something called, zGuest of District? What in the world is a zGuest of District club?
What or Who is zGuest of District?
If you serve as the District Governor or District Administrator, you know that zGuest of District is the “club” where event registrations of non-Rotarian spouses/guests/partners collect. Also, when a Rotarian registers additional Rotarians for an event without creating separate registrations, they roll into zGuest of District. As you may have figured out by now, for the event registration system to work, each registrant needs to be associated with a club. If they are not a Rotarian and, therefore, do not have log in access to DACdb, the system creates a short-term record for them in zGuest of District.
As a district leader, when was the last time you viewed the contents of the zGuest of District club? And if you did, was the list of names pages and pages long…out the door and around the block three times long? Many district leaders do not realize these zGuest records continue to accumulate, frequently resulting in duplicate records for the same individual.
Clearing these duplicate records can seem overwhelming; where do you begin? We have a solution for you if your security access level is 6 or higher. Log into DACdb and click on your name in the upper right corner.
In the popup box, click on Utility.
Locate the Committee Functions group of utilities. Click on Delete Guests from zGuest club NOT in recent registration:
The Utility will clear the duplicate and old, out-of-date records from the ZGuest of District club. Voila! A manageable list of guest records remains, reducing the confusion for your members.