Edit 2019-20 Club Positions – Do It Now
Think of the photos where two and three highways converge with cars creeping along as they take turns merging into one freeway. If you wait until June to update your members and 2019-20 leadership, you will be among the thousands of clubs around the world attempting to accomplish the same task at the same time. And, in turn, may find yourself bogged down in the “merging” stream of data trying to be updated at Rotary International.
Step away from the crowd and act now to enter your 2019-20 leadership in DACdb before May 31. And through the RI Integration interface, enjoy the smooth updating of your records automatically during the July 1 rollover.
As president-elect or secretary-elect, you can assign all your leadership roles now by updating Club Positions. Go to My Club and click on Admin Functions in the left navigation. Then choose Edit Club Positions.
Select the edit pencil beside the name of an individual who will be serving on your Board.
If this is a new role for this member, click on the yellow Add button on the right.
On the next screen:
- Be sure the start date is July 1, 2019. For a moment you’ll get a warning that the start date is after the end date. Click OK.
- Then adjust the end date to June 30, 2020. (The red background will return to yellow.)
- Click on the small gray Add button
- Pick the role or roles from the list.
- Scroll down to the Save button and click.
- Once you have the right roles in the Club Position Names field, select the yellow Add button again.
If someone is continuing in a role, click on the Clone Last Position button on the right and then Close to apply the extended role for another year.
Repeat this above process until you have all your Board identified. Then from the Positions tab, change the organization year to 2019-20 and choose to list only club leaders. This will give you a quick view of just those planning to serve in leadership so that you may verify you included everyone.
Next, on the My Club page select RI Compare, then Club Officer Compare and verify that the key roles—president, secretary, treasurer, membership chair, Rotary Foundation chair and, where applicable, club executive secretary—for 2019-20 rolled up to Rotary International.
If you add a position that has a known progression – such as a President-Nominee (PN), DACdb will automatically populate the rest of the progression for you in each subsequent Org Year–PN, PE, P, iPP, PP.
By the way, if you are using the club committee feature in DACdb, this is also a good time to clone the 2018-19 committees and begin to update the 2019-20 committee leadership. The system will retain this information through the changing of the guard as the new Rotary year begins.
By identifying your leadership team and committee chairs in advance, the transition at July 1 will be smooth, and everyone will have the appropriate security access in DACdb for a great start to the next Rotary year. No congestion, no confusion, just a smooth merge to new leadership.
Check out our DACdb University video about Club Positions here: https://vimeo.com/332107411